Patient Care Quality Complaints

Make a Complaint

Request a Review

Review Process

We are experiencing high volumes. Our team is working hard but care quality reviews may be delayed.

Request a Review

If you have submitted your concerns to the health authority's Patient Care Quality Office and are not satisfied with how they were handled or the response you received, you can request that the Patient Care Quality Review Board look into the matter. You can make that request online, in writing or over the telephone.

If you need assistance with making a request – including help with translation – please call 1-866-952-2448.


  1. Fill out the Review Request form.
  1. If you are making the request on behalf of someone else, you will also need to send in the Third Party Consent form.
  1. If you would like to provide additional information or supporting documentation, you will have that opportunity within the online review request form. You may also send any additional documentation to us by mail, fax or email.
  1. Select the submit button at the end of the form and we will begin processing your review request as soon as possible.

In writing

  1. Fill out the review request form.
  1. If you are making the request on behalf of someone else, you will also need to send in the third-party consent form.
  1. If you would like to provide additional information or supporting documentation, please attach this to your review request form.
  1. Send in your request by mail, fax or email.

By telephone

If you are unable to submit an online or written review request or need help with translation, please call 1-866-952-2448. We will complete the form on your behalf and send you a copy for your records.

You will be asked to provide the following information, which the review board needs in order to process your request:

  • Your name/identity and contact details
  • Nature and description of the complaint (including relevant dates);
  • Facility(s) and service(s) to which the care quality complaint relates;
  • The name of the Patient Care Quality Office that reviewed the complaint and the Patient Care Quality Office's response to the complaint (please attach a copy);
  • Reason you are not satisfied with the Patient Care Quality Office's response to your complaint;
  • The outcome, remedy or resolution that you desire;
  • Any other steps you have taken to resolve the matter so far (including registering the complaint with another authority);
  • Your consent for the Patient Care Quality Review Board to obtain the complaint file and health record pertaining to your complaint from the health authority.

Note: If you are making the review request on behalf of another person, the review board must obtain the consent of that person before proceeding with a review. By law, the review board cannot collect, use, retain or disclose a person's personal health information without their consent.